nail fungal treatment

The easiest, most effective, non-invasive treatment available.

nail fungal treatment

How does Laser Fungal Nail Treatment work?

Laser Fungal Nail Treatment works by emitting pulses of concentrated laser light into the nail bed and surrounding skin which heats up the fungus to temperatures over 55 degrees killing the fungus. Laser technology has advanced significantly and Nd:YAG Q Switch Lasers are perhaps the best toenail fungus laser treatment you will find due to its effective, quick and easy process.


What to expect during Laser Fungal Nail Treatment?

When you come to your appointment any thickness/build up of the nail will be filed down with an electric nail drill. The laser technician will then pass a laser over each nail on the affected foot/hand, during this process you can expect to feel some heat on the nail as the laser passes. The laser process should only take a couple of minutes and your comfort is always our priority! Your appointment should take around 20 mins.


How long will it take for Laser Fungal Nail Treatment to work?

Laser Fungal Nail Treatment takes around 3-6 treatments (2-4 weeks apart) to work depending on the severity of the infection. Even though the fungus targeted is killed instantly, you will need several sessions to ensure all the fungus has been eliminated and to reduce the possibility of recontamination from your home or clothing (which is why it is important to follow the pre/post treatment guidelines). You will start to see the results as the nail bed starts to grow out clear and healthy, this depends on nail growth rate, toenails grow at around 1mm per month and fingernails around 2-3 mm per month.

Treatment Package 1 (one foot/hand) £70.00

-File down of thickened nails

-1 x Laser treatments on all nails on affected foot/hand


Treatment Package 2 (two feet/hands) £110.00

-File down of thickened nails

-1 x Laser treatments on all nails on 2 x affected foot/hand
