vitamin d - the sunshine vitamin
Vitamin D is essential to the healthy functioning of the body and especially for building and maintaining strong and healthy bones. Vitamin D is naturally produced by the body and is also found naturally in several foods. There are two forms of vitamin D, vitamin D2 and D3. Vitamin D2 is known as ergocalciferol, and it is found in plants and mushrooms. Vitamin D3, known as cholecalciferol, is more commonly found in meats, such as animal foods and fatty fish, and in egg yolks.
Vitamin D promotes the gut absorption of the mineral’s calcium and phosphorus, which are important for bone structure and bone health. Calcium is a mineral that is maintained in very tight control in the blood and body. It is essential for the function of many tissues, such as muscle and bones. Vitamin D is required to provide the calcium needed to store in bones. Vitamin D clearly plays an important role in the healthy functioning of our entire body, and when someone doesn’t have sufficient levels of this key vitamin in their bloodstream, it can lead to problems with cell growth, nerve and muscle function, and glucose metabolism.
Vitamin D3 Injection Benefits
There are countless benefits to vitamin D3 supplementation, which can be taken orally, or an injection can be administered intramuscularly. Typically, the injected supplementation will be more quickly absorbed into the body. Therefore, the benefits will happen faster compared to oral intake of vitamin D3. The method of injection also does not require a strict regimen, so that patients can live their day-to-day lives without having to worry.
The potential benefits from vitamin D3 injections include, but are not limited to:
Stronger and healthier bones and teeth
Decreased risk of fractures
Improved function of the immune system
Reduced risk of Influenza A
Protection against heart disease
Improves symptoms of depression, because vitamin D can increase levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine which improve your mood
Protection against seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Increased sex drive in both women and men
Reduced risk of hypertension, because Vitamin D reduces systolic blood pressure
Reduced risks associated with obesity
Lower rise in glucose levels, which may lower risk of diabetes
Reduced risk of cognitive decline, especially among the elderly population, is one of the essential vitamin D injection benefits
Reduced risk of Parkinson’s disease & Multiple Sclerosis
Reduced risk of bacterial vaginosis, especially in pregnant women, a deficiency of Vitamin D increases the risk for bacterial vaginosis
Reduced risk of pelvic floor disorders
Protection against age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Improves restless leg syndrome symptoms
Improves vitiligo and psoriasis
There are a few studies that sufficient levels of the vitamin may prevent someone from contracting the SARS-CoV-19, and if someone tests positive for COVID-19, their symptoms may be more severe if they are vitamin D deficient (BU School of Medicine, 2020).
It has been established that almost one billion people worldwide have low levels of vitamin D and approximately 20% of the population in the UK have a vitamin D deficiency. 60% of the population are considered as having insufficient levels of vitamin D.
Although it varies, typically, the recommended dose of Vitamin D is 600 International Units (IUs) daily. The recommended amount is less for babies during their first year of life, around 400 IU. And as we age, our bodies tend to naturally produce less vitamin D, so it is recommended that adults who are 71 years old and older get about 800 IUs of vitamin D every day. Even these numbers vary from person to person, especially if someone is battling an illness or disease (NIH, 2020) (Please always check with your healthcare provider, as recommended doses can change and differ for each person)
Symptoms and signs that you may have a vitamin D deficiency include fatigue or tiredness, bone, muscle, and joint pain, low mood, low energy, frequent illness, anxiety, irritability, and weight gain. However, many people will only experience subtle symptoms if they have a vitamin D deficiency. To confirm a vitamin D deficiency, you would need to consult with a doctor who can order blood tests that will assess the levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D3 injections are safe to administered without a blood test providing you have done a full consultation with us and have answered all the questions accurately.
There are several reasons that someone may be deficient in vitamin D. Either they didn’t get enough of the vitamin from their diet, or sometimes there is a malabsorption problem, which means that your body isn’t taking the necessary nutrients from the food you’re eating. It is also possible that someone’s liver or kidney cannot effectively convert vitamin D into its active form, or that the medications they are taking are interfering with the body’s ability to absorb and convert it. It is common for those who don’t get enough exposure to sunlight, especially people who work the night shift and people who live in dark environments or locations, to experience vitamin D deficiencies.
Other people who are at high risk of vitamin D deficiencies include:
Adults over the age of 70, because your body doesn’t naturally make enough vitamin D when exposed to sunlight as efficiently as when people are young
People with dark skin, because the melanin prevents their ability to produce vitamin D from exposure to sunlight
People who live in areas far from the equator, especially during the winter months
People with Crohn’s disease or celiac disease who don’t handle fat properly, as vitamin D needs fat to be absorbed and effectively activated
People who are obese
People who have had gastric bypass surgery
People with osteoporosis
People with chronic kidney or liver disease
Breastfed infants, because human milk is a poor source of vitamin D
People with granulomatous disease, which is caused by chronic inflammation (granulomatous diseases include sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, and histoplasmosis)
People with lymphoma, which is a type of cancer of the lymphatic system (tumors found on lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland, and bone marrow)
People who take medicines that affect vitamin D metabolism, such as anti-seizure drugs, antifungal drugs, and HIV/AIDS medicines (Holick & Gordon, 2011)
While these people listed above are at a higher risk of being deficient in vitamin D3, anybody in the general population might have a vitamin D deficiency. Deficiencies can pose dangerous symptoms, complications, and can lead to more severe illnesses and diseases, so it is important to find deficiencies early on before they cause further problems. For example, a vitamin D deficiency can lead to a loss of bone density, leading to osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and broken bones. In children, a vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets. There are also associations with low levels of vitamin D and illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and multiple sclerosis. Whether a vitamin D deficiency causes these medical conditions or is a byproduct or symptom is unclear. Supplementing with vitamin D injections benefits the immune system and the nervous system, and bone health.
YES, it is possible to take too much vitamin D. You should always follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and prescribed dosage of the supplemental vitamin D. A misuse of vitamin D supplements is the biggest cause of vitamin D toxicity. If you inject or ingest too much, this is known as vitamin D toxicity, and it can be harmful and dangerous if taken in high excess. Symptoms that you have taken too much vitamin D include vomiting or nausea, poor appetite, constipation, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, dehydration, and kidney stones. High amounts of vitamin D may also damage your kidneys or raise the levels of calcium to a dangerous amount, leading to hypercalcemia. Symptoms of hypercalcemia include confusion and disorientation, and problems with heart rhythm.
Vitamin D injections are safe to administered without a blood test, providing you have done a full consultation with us and have answered all the questions accurately.
To confirm a vitamin D deficiency, you would need to consult with a doctor who can order blood tests that will assess the levels of vitamin D.
Yes, vitamin D3 is generally safe, and the potential vitamin D3 injection benefits are numerous. However, you should always consult with a trusted healthcare provider before beginning any new medications or supplements. Furthermore, you should follow their instructions when supplementing with vitamin D because if you take too much vitamin D, it can be dangerous. You should not use vitamin D supplements if you are allergic to vitamin D or have high vitamin D levels already in your body (this is known as hypervitaminosis D). You should also avoid vitamin D3 injections if you have high calcium levels in your blood, known as hypercalcemia. Before beginning supplemental injections, tell your doctor if you currently have or have in the past had heart disease, kidney disease, or an electrolyte imbalance. You and your doctor will be the final determinants on if this treatment therapy is right for you.
For most patients, it is recommended that they receive 1-3 injections per year, which are administered at divided intervals. The frequency varies, however, depending on a patient’s specific circumstances such as their medical history and their personal blood profile. If you have a more severe case of vitamin D deficiency.
I always recommend 1 - 2 injections per year, one in mid-autumn and one end of winter/beginning of spring, leaving minimum of 5 months apart from you last injection.
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